Sunday, July 12, 2009

it's all about tomorrow

Are you awake? For now your face seem so gentil and kind. Perhaps my happiness keep on multiplying, perhaps you'll still be mine tomorrow, perhaps my dreams will not breakdown, just not tomorrow. Tomorrow my dreams will come over and tell you how beautiful they are. Perhaps there will always be you and me, perhaps you don't forget how long I've loved you, perhaps you won't run away as usual. I wished you could talk some more to me, perhaps my wants about you and me can finally be truth. How long will I have to wait for you? Because waiting is the worst way to keep living, and I already waited for too long. I wispered to myself today in the morning, as the twilight keeped grewing all over the sky, "I will always love you.." My thoughs you'll never be other about us, my love will never, ever, change. I just don't know if I can keep on waiting and wishing and sitting down intead of standing up for life and waking up happily and thinking of you and smile. Think about it. Perhaps my thoughs will be heard by the world, or even for someone more important: you. Perhaps I never forget you. Perhaps I still be in love. Oh wait, I'm sure I'll still be in love. But it's up to you if I'll still be in love with YOU tomorrow. It's all about tomorrow.

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