The sunset brings me all my answers and also my main questions. I wished it was a good day, but it was the worst ever. This sadness, this disturbia, everyhting's making me crazy. All those people asking and talking and saying. Sometimes I wish I could talk some more about myself, about what I want, about what's important to me. I wish stop giving up of things just because someone will hget heart-breaking. What about my heart? What about what I feel and want so bad to say? I'm not perfect, I have all those problems that normal people have. Sometimes giving up on something means you're doing the right thing, but I'm tired, I'm tired that for me giving up means hurt. This hurt is killing me inside, not even dancing I can concentrate myself anymore. I'm so wanting to make something crazy today. I will, oh I will. Cause I'm also tired that the fear of striking out makes me don't do things I wanna do. It's over now. If ya see a crazy person walking, that's me. Oh yeah, the real me. Well as you have crazy dreams why can't you have a crazy life? Oh, I will have this crazy life.
Why stop dreaming when you wake up?
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