Friday, January 24, 2014

like magnets

“It was understood that they shared the same thresholds--the same inexhaustible appetite for wasting time, for discussing lofty ideas, for dissecting trivial things, for driving to nowhere in particular, for listening to music, for talking about books, for obsessing over pop culture, but mostly for laughing, talking, and simply being together. There was nothing one could say that the other would find too cruel or too kind. And on those rare occasions when they did tire of each other, they needed only go a day without talking before they yearned to reconnect.”

Galt Niederhoffer, The Romantics

Thursday, January 9, 2014

take p/ bere

foi tudo muito súbito
tudo muito susto
tudo assim como a resposta
fica quando chega a pergunta

esse isso meio assunto
que é quando a gente está longe
e continua junto

Paulo Leminski